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Showing posts from 2012

A step in the dark

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.                                                 Psalm 119:105 After a recent weekend of violent storms from Illinois to Virginia and parts of the Carolinas, millions were left without power. For a very short time our home was part of that number too. It was two o'clock in the morning and I was still awake, nothing unusual for me as I have struggled with insomnia for many years. For an insomniac like me, one of the most boring things that can happen is for the lights go out in the middle of the night because there is really nothing to do, it's too quiet. That night however was amazing! I went to the sunroom and looked out the window which faces a narrow country road surrounded by trees. The lightning was such that it seemed to give a constant light to the back yard making it quite possible to see every detail of the storm. The wind forcing each branch to the ground, the rain coming in sideways from the north, the sky

Undercover Boss

'He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not'                                                                                                     John 1:10 Ever watched that show where the owner of a company goes undercover to its different locations, working in different areas with the very people that work for him, only they don't know who he is? There he is, the big kahuna, dressed down and getting his hands dirty, doing the work of his employees and listening to them and those who benefit from their services, while quietly watching those whom he knows are in positions of leadership. I remember one episode in particular, where the owner of a franchise refused to use the appropriate signage in his vehicle, eventually claiming they like to change things around and do it their own way. In the end, it was the company owner who made sure this person understood the importance of not only following company rules, but also honoring them because