Tuesday, November 25, 2014

From life to greater life

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.      John 12:24   KJV 

On November 8 my youngest daughter lost one of her best friends in a tragic accident. His name was Jon Gregoire.
I never met Jon in person, but virtual reality is an amazing thing! If my daughter was home from college and she was talking to any of her friends via Skype or Face time my husband and I would barge in and tease in the background. And much to her chagrin and embarrassment that is how we've met or kept in touch with quite a few of her friends. And that's how I'll remember Jon.
The last time I said hello to him was during a visit to my daughter at Liberty University. She insisted I would speak Spanish to him, since I'm from Puerto Rico, and when I did he laughed out loud and said 'mamacita!' It was the funniest thing and I'll remember it for years to come. Still, I regret he had class and other things to do and never had a chance to meet with us that day.
I never knew Jon in person, and yet I have mourned him deeply. When my husband asked what happened all I could say through tears of grief was 'he called me mamacita, he called me mamacita'. There was no doubt I would be there for my daughter that day. She was broken and so was I. But then again, everyone was. 
I have never met a person so blessed with the ability to reach everyone they meet, and touch them in a positively powerful way, the way Jon was blessed to do. That was a gift. God gifted him with an incredible personality and Jon knew just how to make the best use of that gift. He shared it with every single individual he came into contact with, every single day. Such was the influence Jon had on others, that even after he went home with The Lord, Jon is still winning souls to Christ. And that is why I'm still amazed at the person that he was. Like the still flame that gently glows after the initial fire dies down, Jon's memory continues to shine bright.
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matthew 5:16
Four days after his death, the University held a memorial service during their largest, campus wide worship service known as Convocation. That day, Jon's best friend, Josh, shared memories of Jon and gave one of the most moving eulogies I have ever heard. As stills of Jon played on the large screen, Josh reminded us that for those of us who believe in Jesus and have our hope and faith in Him, there is no death. We don't go from life to death but from life to greater life. I love those words. When I heard him say that I remembered what Jesus said in John 12:24
          'Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.'
The only time Jon knew death was when he died to self in order to live in and for Christ. And in doing so, Jon definitely went from life to greater life. In his earthly life Jon honored God in all he did, and brought much increase. But like the corn of wheat that falls to the ground and dies, thus bringing forth much fruit, his death too, has proven to be fruitful. Two days after going home to The Lord, Jon was honored and remembered during a prayer vigil at the university. I remember after it was over, hearing loud cheers and applause in the background. Soon the news had spread that a young man had made a decision for Christ after hearing the testimonies being shared about Jon and the life that he had led because of Christ. The next morning three more people had also accepted The Lord as their savior and that same day more than fifty five individuals had collectively made a decision to trust Jesus for their salvation when the invitation was made during Convocation. All that AFTER Jon had died. Truly, unless the seed falls to the ground and dies, it abides alone, but if it dies it brings forth much fruit!
During the vigil, someone else who knew Jon well, D. Glen Schultz, likened him to a shooting star. How very appropriate, for Jon was wise indeed.
         "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.'' Daniel 12:3
Jon lived and died for Christ. That was his gain. And in the process he 'birthed' many sons and daughters to the family of God. What an offspring! What a legacy! What a life! It was never about him, it was and continues to be always about God. To Him be the glory!

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         " To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven ."                                         ...